Spelling List 3-4

3-4 Spelling List


11. milk 1.  the white liquid, from cows, which we drink.  2. a liquid produced by female mammals as food for their young.  3. draw milk from a cow, goat, or other animal.
12. kill 1.  cause to die:  A wolf killed the sheep.  2. get rid of:  Kill the weeds.
13. trip 1.  going somewhere:  a trip to Europe.  2. stumble:  He tripped on the stairs.
14. Africa one of the large masses of land on the earth; a continent
15. middle 1. halfway between;  in the center:  The middle house is ours.  2. the place halfway between:  the middle of the street.
16. itself Itself is used instead of it in sentences like:  The monkey sees itself in the mirror.
17. visit 1.  go to see;  come to see:  Are you going to visit New York?  2.  stay with;  be a guest:  I visited my aunt last week.  3. the act of visiting:  Bobby came for a visit.
18. direct 1.  manage; guide:  The conductor directed the orchestra.  2. command:  The fire captain directed the people to get out of the building.  3.  show or tell the way: Can you direct us to the zoo?
19. ring 1.  give out a sound like a bell:  Did the phone ring?  2. The sound of a bell: I heard a ring during the night.   3.  make something ring:  Did you ring the bell?
20. practice 1.  something done many times to get skill:  They spent an hour a day on football practice.  2.  do something again and again: He practices on the piano at least an hour every day.