Spelling List 3-35

3-35 Spelling List


11. sword a weapon with a long blade for cutting.
12. pour 1.  cause to flow in a steady stream: Pour some milk on your cereal.  2.  flow in a steady stream:  People poured out of the theater.
13. porcupine an animal covered with stiff, sharp quills.
14. before 1.  earlier than:  Wash your hands before you eat.  2.  in time past:  You have been here before.  3. in front of; ahead of: Your turn comes before mine.
15. fort a strong building or place that can be held against an enemy.
16. sort 1. kind; class:  What sort of work do you do?  2. arrange in order:  Sort these cards according to their colors.   3.  separate from others.
17. tore pull apart by force:  He tore the paper in half.
18. acorn the nut of an oak tree.
19. fortieth 1. next after the thirty-ninth; 40th.   2. one of 40 equal parts.
20. wore 1. have on the body:  She wore a coat today.  2. last long:  He wore the shoes for a long time.