3-33 Spelling List


11. tear 1. pull apart by force:  Don't tear the page.  2. become pulled apart:  Lace tears easily.  3. a place that has been pulled apart:  She has a tear in her dress.
12. apart 1. in separate parts or pieces:  When I dropped the chair, it fell apart.  2.  away from each other:  Keep the dogs apart.  3. to one side:  That house stood apart from the other houses.
13. arrange 1.  put in the correct order:  The words were arranged alphabetically.  2.  plan; form plans:  Can you arrange to go by six o'clock?
14. parents a person's mother and father.
15. prepare make ready; get ready:  Prepare for a test.
16. rather 1.  be more willing to:  I would rather play than work.  2.  quite:  He was rather angry.
17. boards broad, thin pieces of wood:  The boards were very heavy. 
18. party 1.  a group of people having a good time.   2.  a group of people doing something together:  A party of men explored the woods.  3.  of or for a party:  a party dress.
19. wear 1.  have on the body:  Wear a coat today.  2.  last long; give good service:  These shoes will wear well.
20. bear 1.  carry:  It will take two people to bear that heavy load.  2. hold up:  The ice is too thin to bear a sled.   3.  suffer:  He cannot bear any more pain.  4.  bring forth: The orange tree bears good fruit.  5.  a large animal with coarse hair and a very short tail.

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