
3-33 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-33

3-33 Spelling Tip

The ar sounds.
The signs for the ar sounds are /2_dot_a.gif (871 bytes)/ and /wpe1.gif (896 bytes)/.
The /2_dot_a.gif (871 bytes)/ sound is in garden and farm.
The /2_dot_a.gif (871 bytes)/ sound is spelled ear in ear and near.
The /wpe2.gif (896 bytes)/ sound is spelled air in chair and hair.
The /wpe3.gif (896 bytes)/ sound is spelled ear in bear.


Words Definitions
1. barber a person whose business is cutting people's hair and shaving men's faces.
2. art drawing, painting, and sculpture:  Pupils in third grade are studying art.
3. hair fine, thin pieces like threads growing from the skin of people and animals:  The little girl's hair was soft as silk.
4. cart 1.  a wagon with two wheels.  2.  a small box or frame on wheels, pushed by hand.
5. chairman a chairperson:  My dad was the chairman of the group.
6. garden a piece of ground in which vegetables or flowers are grown.
7. heart 1. the part of your body that pumps the blood.  2. feeling; mind:  She has a kind heart.  3. the middle; the main part:  It is dark in the heart of the forest.  4.  a certain shape.
8. popular suitable to most everyone:  The popular vote won. 
9. quarrel 1. an angry talk with someone who does not agree with you.  2. speak angrily to each other about something.
10. familiar closely acquainted with:  She is familiar with the book.

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