Spelling List 3-30
3-30 Spelling List
11. |
planes |
airplanes. |
12. |
puppets |
small dolls moved by someone's hands. |
13. |
signs |
marks or things used to tell something or stand
for something: Read the signs on the door. |
14. |
magazines |
paper-covered books that are printed weekly or
monthly. |
15. |
movies |
moving pictures. |
16. |
numbers |
words that tell exactly how many. Three,
eighteen, twenty-six, are numbers. |
17. |
fields |
1. lands used for crops or for pasture.
2. land for a special use: baseball fields. |
18. |
waters |
sprinkle or wet with water: The gardener
waters the flowers. |
19. |
words |
1. sounds or a group of sounds that have
meaning. 2. the writing that stands for a word: Can you read the words? |
20. |
babies |
1. very young children. 2. young or
small. |
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