
3-3 Spelling Test

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1. of rain hit the window.
Definition: a small amount of liquid in a round shape.
2. We will  wait for you!
Definition: more nearly true than not.
3. She had a good  for being absent.
Definition: a cause; whatever causes something to happen.
4. My father has a  in a store.
Definition: work; anything a person has to do.
5. January is the first  of the year.
Definition: one of the twelve parts of the year.
6. Is this a of the painting?
Definition: a thing made to be just like another.
7. We built our house on the .
Definition: a piece of land:  an empty lot.
8. There is a cookie at the  of the jar.
Definition: the lowest part.
9. took my pencil!
Definition: some person
10. He climb the hill.
Definition: could not.
11. Can you  the ceiling?
Definition: put the hand on or against something and feel it.
12 The  got very little rain this year.
Definition: plants grown for people to use.
13. The  sentence has two parts.
Definition: made up of more than one part.
14. Please  the two coats!
Definition: find out or point out how persons or things are alike.
15. He has an ink  on his pocket.
Definition: a mark
16. There are many steps in the  of making cheese.
Definition: doing or making something by following each step in order.
17. Do not step foot on his !
Definition: the thing or things someone owns.
18. The  made a lot of money.
Definition: a group of people joined together to run a business.
19. The  held up the front porch corner.
Definition: a thick, tall post or pole used to hold up a roof or a part of a building.
20. We need  to live!
Definition: colorless, tasteless air we breathe.



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