Spelling List 3-29
3-29 Spelling List
11. |
through |
1. from end to end of: The truck went
through town. 2. from beginning to end: She sang every song all the way
through. 3. finished with: Dad is through work at three o'clock. |
12. |
thing |
any object or material you can see, hear, touch,
taste, or smell. |
13. |
death |
with life gone. |
14. |
northern |
1. toward the north: We took the
northern road. 2. from the north: a northern wind. |
15. |
teeth |
1. more than one tooth. 2. anything like teeth: teeth of a comb. |
16. |
breathe |
draw air into the lungs and then force it out. |
17. |
throughout |
1. all the way through: The Fourth of
July is celebrated throughout the U.S. 2. in every part: This house is
well build throughout. |
18. |
throw |
1. make something move through the air by
the force of your arm: He threw the ball high. 2. the act of throwing:
That was a long throw. |
19. |
Thursday |
the fifth day of the week. It follows
Wednesday. |
20. |
farther |
a long way: a long way off. |
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