
3-28 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-28

3-28 Spelling List


11. shirt a piece of clothing for the upper part of the body.
12. shoulders the part of your body to which arms are joined.
13. share 1.  the part belonging to one person:   She did more than her share of the work.  2.  use or have together:   My brothers share a room.
14. shore land at the edge of a sea or lake.
15. shell 1.  the hard covering of some animals.   2.  the hard covering of a nut or egg.  3.  take out of a shell:   I'll shell the peas.
16. shade 1.  a place not in the bright sun:  It is quite cool in the shade.  2. something that shuts out light:  Pull down the shade if you want to sleep late in the morning.
17. shadow the shade made by a person or object in a bright light:  Sometimes my shadow is very long.
18. shake move quickly back and forth, up and down, or from side to side:  Shake your head.  The wet dog shook itself.  Shake some salt on the meat.
19. shave 1.  cut hair off very close to the skin, usually with a razor:  Grandfather shaves every day.  2. the cutting of hair:   Dad got a shave at the the barber shop.  3.  cut off in thin slices:   She shaved the ham for sandwiches.
20. shed a building used for shelter or storing things: We keep garden tools in a shed.

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