
3-26 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-26

3-26 Spelling Tip

Consonant cluster.
Two letters written together which make two consonant sounds is called a consonant cluster.
The consonant cluster ft in in the words free and front.
The consonant cluster ld is in the words child and build.
The consonant cluster nt is in paint and want.


Words Definitions
1. sold trade a thing for money.
2. children 1.  young boys or girls:  Where are the children?   2.  sons or daughters:  My parents have three children.
3. lift 1.  move something up into the air: take up or pick up   Can you lift this box?  2.  a ride:  We got a lift to school.
4. gift something given; a present; something you received without having to pay for:  My uncle brought me a gift from Mexico.
5. left 1.  belonging to the side with the arm and hand most people use less than the other:  the left hand, the left foot.  2.  on or to the left side:  Turn left at the corner.  3.  go away:  I left early.
6. silent 1.  quiet; still; without noise:  a silent house.   2.  not speaking; saying little or nothing; Please be silent during the movie.   3.  not spoken; not said out loud:  a silent prayer.
7. segment a part or piece of something:  The line segment was very small.
8. ancient very old:  We visited an ancient village on our vacation.
9. development grow; bring or come into being:  The development of the new library is moving quickly.
10. quotient the number resulting from the division of one number by another:  The quotient of 6 divided by 3 is 2.

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