Spelling List 3-25

3-25 Spelling Tip

The j sound.
The j sound is spelled with a j, a dg, and a g.
The j sound is j in jacket and jail.
The j sound is dg in judge and fudge.
The j sound is g in giraffe and George.


Words Definitions
1. judge 1.  one who decides questions about the law or between two people who don't agree.  2.  act as a judge; decide questions of law.   3.  one who decides who wins a contest.  4.  decide who wins a contest.  5.  one who can decide how good a thing is:  He is a good judge of horses.
2. giraffe a large animal with a very long neck.  Giraffes are the tallest living animals.
3. join 1.  bring or fasten things together:  We joined hands in a circle.  2.  take part with others:  He joined the Boy Scouts.
4. engine 1.  a machine that does work or makes something move.   Many engines are run by gas or electricity.  2.  the machine that pulls a railroad train.
5. ranger 1.  a person who guards a forest against fires.  2. a kind of police officer.
6. change 1.  make different:  She changed the color of the wall from white to blue.  2.  put something in place of another:  Please change your shoes.  3.  act of changing:  There was a change of plans.   4. money you get back:  The clerk gave me five dollars change.
7. gym a room or building in which athletes and other people exercise and play some games.
8. stage the raised platform in a theater:  No one was on the stage.
9. bridge something built over water or land so that people or vehicles can cross over.
10. danger 1.  a chance of harm; being near to harm:  The men were in danger when rocks fell.  2.  a thing that may cause harm:  Cars and trucks are a danger to children.