Spelling List 3-25
3-25 Spelling List
11. |
engineer |
1. a person who plans and builds or takes care of
machines, roads, bridges, and buildings. 2. the person who runs a railroad
engine. |
12. |
object |
1. anything that can be seen or touched. 2.
say you don't like something or are against it: Do you object to playing this
game? |
13. |
region |
a specific area: What region of the world do you live
in? |
14. |
edge |
1. the line or place where something ends; the part
farthest from the middle; the side: The edge of the paper is straight. He
stood at the edge of the road. 2. the thin side that cuts: This
knife has a sharp edge. |
15. |
jog |
walk or trot slowly. |
16. |
jeans |
pants that are made of denim. |
17. |
jacket |
1. a short coat. 2. an outside covering:
New books have paper jackets. |
18. |
July |
the seventh month of the year. It has 31 days. |
19. |
dangerous |
able to cause harm; not safe. |
20. |
June |
the sixth month of the year. It has 30 days. |
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