
3-24 Spelling Test

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1. The bell is very .
Definition: not quiet or soft; making a great sound.
2. Sally a penny.
Definition: meet with; come upon.
3. My cat caught a .
Definition: a small animal.
4. Don't in my ear!
Definition: call loudly.
5. Dad wants a scoop of ice cream.
Definition: two times as much, as large, or as strong.
6. The teacher tapped me on the .
Definition: the part of your body to which an arm is joined.
7. Chad has with math.
Definition: a problem; something that disturbs.
8. A is a person, place, or thing.
Definition: a part of speech.
9. A wheel is .
Definition: shaped like a ball or a circle or a tree trunk.
10. A loud woke me up.
Definition: a sound, often an unpleasant one.
11. That penny is my lucky .
Definition: a piece of metal used as money, such as a penny, a nickel, a dime, or a quarter.
12 Mom will the water.
Definition: send up bubbles and give off steam.
13. The pencil has a sharp .
Definition: a sharp end.
14. The children were very .
Definition: making much noise.
15. I planted the seed in the .
Definition: earth; dirt.
16. Steve has a loud .
Definition: sounds made through the throat and mouth.
17. Do you have milk?
Definition: as much or as many as you need.
18. The spelling test is a mistake.
Definition: free from.
19. Mom is very of me.
Definition: thinking well of yourself or of something.
20. We heard the sound the city.
Definition: all the way through.



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