Spelling List 3-24
3-24 Spelling Tip
The ou and oi sounds.
The ou
sound can be spelled ou and ow.
The ou sound is in ou in cloud and loud.
The ou sound is in ow in clown and town.
The oi sound can be spelled oi and oy.
The oi sound is in oi in spoil and boil.
The oi sound is in oy in joy and toy. |
Words |
Definitions |
1. |
loud |
not quiet or soft; making a great sound. |
2. |
found |
meet with; come upon: She found a dollar. |
3. |
mouse |
a small animal. |
4. |
shout |
1. call loudly: He shouted, but I didn't hear him.
2. a loud call: I heard a shout of joy. 3. talk or laugh
loudly: Don't shout! |
5. |
double |
1. two times as much, as large, or as strong: He
gave me a double scoop of ice cream. 2. become or make twice as much:
The number of people at the fire quickly doubled. 3. fold over: Tom
doubled his fists. |
6. |
shoulder |
the part of your body to which an arm is joined. |
7. |
trouble |
1. a problem; something that disturbs: We had
trouble with the stove. 2. cause trouble; disturb: Her son's grades have
troubled her for a long time. |
8. |
noun |
a part of speech. In the sentences The boy is tall and
John is tall, the words boy and John are nouns. |
9. |
round |
1. shaped like a ball or a circle or a tree trunk.
The earth is round. A wheel is round. 2. on all sides of; around:
She walked round the block. 3. in a circle: The hands of a
clock go round. |
10. |
noise |
a sound, often an unpleasant one. |
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