Spelling List 3-20
3-20 Spelling List
11. |
spring |
1. jump; rise or move suddenly: 2. a jump. 3. something, usually made of
metal, that will return to the same shape after it is pulled out of shape. 4.
the season of the year when plants begin to grow. 5. a small stream of water
coming from the earth. 6. grow: |
12. |
steel |
1. iron made very hard and strong. Most
hammers re made from steel. 2. made of steel: An engine has many steel
parts. |
13. |
sheet |
1. a large piece of cloth used to sleep on or under.
2. a broad, thin piece of anything: a sheet of ice, a sheet of paper. |
14. |
spoke |
1. one of the rods from the center of a wheel to the
outside edge. 2. make a speech: She spoke to our class about swimming. |
15. |
smooth |
1. having an even surface without lumps: a smooth
stone, a smooth lake. 2. make even or flat; take out wrinkles and lumps:
She smoothed the towels. |
16. |
shining |
1. send out light; glow: The sun is shining.
2. make bright: He is shining his shoes. |
17. |
strike |
1. hit: The ship might strike a rock in this
storm. 2. make a sound: The clock strikes every hour. 3. stop work to get better pay: The workers struck when the company refused their
demands. 4. a stopping of work: The strike lasted six weeks.
5. in baseball, strike out means fail to hit after three tries. |
18. |
structure |
a building: That structure is a garage. |
19. |
strip |
1. take off or take away the covering: The man stripped
bark from the tree. 2. a long, narrow, flat piece of cloth or paper: Tie
this strip of cloth on your arm. |
20. |
slightly |
very little: She is slightly taller than I am. |
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