Spelling List 3-2
3-2 Spelling List
11. |
forest |
1. thick woods, often covering many miles. 2.
of the forest: Forest fires can be stopped. |
12. |
window |
an opening in a wall or roof to let in light or air. |
13. |
store |
1. a place where things are kept for sale. 2.
put away for use later: She stored her winter coat. 3. something
put away for later: We keep our store of canned food in the cupboard. |
14. |
hope |
1. a feeling that what you want to happen will happen:
Her words gave me hope. 2. look for; expect: I hope you'll like
school. |
15. |
gold |
1. a heavy, bright-yellow metal of great value. 2.
made of gold: a gold bracelet. |
16. |
stone |
like a rock |
17. |
row |
1. a line of people or things: Cars were parked in
a row. 2. move a boat by pulling oars through the water. |
18. |
wrote |
make letters or words: He wrote a letter. |
19. |
alone |
1. apart from others: Our house stood alone on the
hill. 2. without anyone else: One person alone can cook this dinner.
3. without anything more: This song alone made the show wonderful. |
20. |
board |
1. a broad, thin piece of wood. 2. cover
with boards: The windows were boarded up. 3. a group of persons who
manage something: the school board. 4. get on a ship, train or plane:
Board the plane quickly. |
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