
3-19 Spelling Test

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1. Mom puts in her coffee.
Definition: the oily, yellowish part of milk.
2. My teacher saw me at you.
Definition: a broad smile.
3. The red socks are not in the .
Definition: a box, with handles, built to slide in and out of a table or desk or dresser.
4. Did you see my left ?
Definition: a covering for the hand, with a place for each finger and for the thumb.
5. The barber will Dad's beard.
Definition: make neat by cutting away parts.
6. You have to right on Sunrise Drive.
Definition: go in a new direction:
7. The from the fire can be seen for miles.
Definition: a bright flame or fire.
8. The sun is very today.
Definition: giving much light.
9. The artist will a new painting.
Definition: to make.
10. Dylan's favorite color is .
Definition: a color made by mixing black and white.
11. She only ate a  of her supper.
Definition: a part or piece of something.
12 Dad mows the once a week.
Definition: a plant with leaves like blades.
13. The little cannot read.
Definition: a young boy or girl.
14. I could hear the window .
Definition: make come to pieces by a blow or a pull.
15. We pitched the tent on a area.
Definition: smooth and level; even.
16. Our class is learning about rocks in .
Definition: a careful study of facts about the earth or anything on it.
17. A is easy to draw with a ruler.
Definition: a figure having three sides.
18. The of girl is girls.
Definition: the form of a word that shows it means more than one.
19. I always before I run.
Definition: draw the body or limbs out to full length.
20. We have to buy at the store.
Definition: food made from flour or meal mixed with milk or water and baked.



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