Spelling List 3-19

3-19 Spelling Tip

Consonant cluster.
Two letters written together which have two consonant sounds are a consonant cluster.
Consonant cluster sounds are in cr in cream, fl in flower, and pl in planet.


Words Definitions
1. cream the oily, yellowish part of milk:  Put cream in your coffee.
2. grin 1.  a broad smile.  2.  smile with teeth showing.
3. drawer a box, with handles, built to slide in and out of a table or desk or dresser.
4. glove a covering for the hand, with a place for each finger and for the thumb.
5. trim 1.  make neat by cutting away parts:   Dad trimmed my hair.  2. make beautiful:  She trimmed the tree yesterday.
6. turn 1.  move around a center as a wheel does:   The merry-go-round turned.  2.  cause to move as a wheel does:  I turned the knob three times to open the locker.  3.  motion like that of a wheel:  At each turn of the wheels we went slower.  4.  go in a new direction:  Turn here.  5.  a change of direction:  a turn to the left.  6.  a chance to do something:  It is her turn to read.
7. blaze 1.  a bright flame or fire:  You could see the blaze for miles.  2.  burn with a bright flame:  The fire blazed up, then died.
8. bright 1.  giving much light:  The moon is bright tonight.  2. clever:  The bright boy knew the answer.
9. create to make:  The artist will create a painting.
10. gray 1.  a color made by mixing black and white.   2. having a color between black and white:  We saw the gray clouds coming fast.