
3-18 Spelling Test

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1. my little sister.
Definition: there is.
2. play together.
Definition: let us.
3. seen that movie already.
Definition: I have.
4. Sally  understand the book.
Definition: did not.
5. earned $200.00.
Definition: we have.
6. call you tonight.
Definition: I will.
7. you coming along?
Definition: are not.
8. We go out for recess.
Definition: could not.
9. Tony eat all of his lunch.
Definition: cannot.
10. We run in the hall.
Definition: should not.
11. my very best friend.
Definition: you are.
12 She home yesterday.
Definition: was not.
13. Bill studied for the test.
Definition: should have.
14. putting on a puppet show.
Definition: we are.
15. the number one team.
Definition: they are.
16. like to see that movie.
Definition: I would.
17. play football with us.
Definition: he will.
18. all read the book.
Definition: they have.
19. on TV at 7:30.
Definition: it is.
20. help me build a fort.
Definition: they will.



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