
3-17 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-17

3-17 Spelling Tip

Compound words.
Two words that are put together to make a new word are called compound words. Any and thing put together is anything.
Some compound words are sometime, birthday, popcorn and grandfather.


Words Definitions
1. backyard the area in the back of a building:  The children played in the backyard all morning.
2. popcorn a kind of corn that bursts open and puffs out when heated:   Popcorn is good to eat.
3. grandfather the father of one's father or mother.
4. birthday the day on which a person was born.
5. playground a place to play.
6. grandmother the mother of one's mother or father.
7. afternoon the time of day from noon to evening.
8. underline to draw a line; underline a word or group of words.
9. bedroom a room to sleep in.
10. outdoors out of or outside a building

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