
3-14 Spelling Test

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1. I took my with me on the airplane.
Definition: a bag or case filled with feathers or other soft material, usually to put under your head.
2. Mom put a in my hair.
Definition: a long strip or band of cloth.
3. Dad likes to home from work.
Definition: drive, carry, send, or move quickly.
4. Susan said, "!" when she walked past me.
Definition: a call to greet someone.
5. Our family eats at 6:00.
Definition: the main meal of the day.
6. Jim forgot his .
Definition: something you wear in front of your eyes to help you see.
7. The noise scared me!
Definition: quick; rapid.
8. The broke when it hit the tree.
Definition: a kind of pointed stick.
9. You must the dots to solve the puzzle.
Definition: join one thing to another; fasten together.
10. My grandmother likes to about me .
Definition: feel uneasy.
11. to the directions, we must go left.
Definition: in agreement with; in harmony.
12 We saw many kinds of at the fair.
Definition: animals with soft fur and long ears.
13. My brother likes to baseball cards.
Definition: bring together; come together; gather together.
14. John never pays in school.  
Definition: the act of giving thought and care to.
15. I'll you $1.00.
Definition: hold out to be taken or refused.
16. We live in a very small .
Definition: a group of people living together.
17. I you are right.
Definition: believe; imagine.
18. I feel the   of the water as it comes out the hose.
Definition: a steady pushing of a weight or force.
19. Our friends will at 1:00.
Definition: come to a place.
20. The blanket is made of .
Definition: the soft white part of a plant used in making cloth.



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