Spelling List 3-12

3-12 Spelling List


11. wing 1.  one of the parts that a bird or insect uses to fly.   2.  anything like a wing:  an airplane wing.
12. bank 1.  a pile:  a bank of snow.  2.  ground along a river or lake:  He fished from the river bank.  3.  slant to one side when making a turn:  The airplane banked and turned north.
13. crank a handle which can be turned:  He turned the crank and started the engine.
14. everything every thing; all things:  She did everything she could to help.
15. strong having much power and force:  A strong wind blew down the tree.
16. young 1. in the early part of life; not old:  Young people like to run.  2. young ones:  The mother bear fought to protect her young.
17. tongue 1.  the part inside your mouth that moves:  You use your tongue for tasting and for talking.  2.  anything like a tongue:    a tongue of flame.
18. ring 1.  a circle:   The dancers formed a ring.   2.  a thin circle of metal or other material:  a gold ring.  3. a closed space:  The horses pranced around the circus ring.  4. give out a sound like a bell:  Did the phone ring?  5.  the sound of a bell:  I heard a ring during the night.  6.  make something ring:   Did you ring the bell?
19. stink to smell:  The skunk stinks.
20. bring come with something from another place:  Please bring me a napkin.