
3-12 Spelling List

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Spelling List 3-12

3-12 Spelling Tip

The ng & nk sound.
The ng sound is spelled ng is jungle and thing.
The nk sound is spelled nk in skunk and trunk.


Words Definitions
1. trunk 1.  the main stem of a tree.  2. an elephant's nose.  3.  a big box for carrying clothes.
2. ankle the part of the leg between the foot and the calf.
3. stung poke with a small point:  Some insects sting.  A wasp stung her on the arm. 
4. jungle wild land with thick bushes, vines, and trees:  There are jungles in Africa.
5. sink 1.  go down slowly; go lower and lower:  The sun sinks in the sky.  2.  go under:  The ship is sinking.  3.  a small tub with a drain:  The girls washed their hands in the sink.
6. finger one of the five end parts of the hand.
7. thing any object or material you can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell.
8. drink 1. swallow liquid, such as water or milk.  2.  any liquid swallowed:  a drink of water.
9. hungry feeling a need for food:  the girls are hungry.
10. sound 1.  what can be heard:  We heard the sound of music.   2.  make a sound:  The wind sounds like a whistle blowing.  3. healthy; not having any disease:  An athlete knows the value of a sound body.   4.  not weak or rotten; strong:  The walls of the old house are sound.

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