
2-34 Spelling List

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Spelling List 2-34

2-34 Spelling Tip

Final long e in two-syllable words.
The sign for final long e is /LongE.gif (859 bytes)/.
Some words have two parts.  The two parts are called syllables.  Each part has a vowel sounds.  Listen for the  final long e sound at the end of these words.
The final long e in in y in the words carry, penny and puppy.


Words Sentences
1. carry Can you carry the box?
2. penny A penny is the same as 1¢.
3. puppy The puppy is barking.
4. very It is a very, cold day today.
5. happy I am happy to be here.
6. baby The baby is crying again.
7. only I can only count to 100.
8. easy The cake is easy to make. 
9. pretty The doll is very pretty.
10. funny The clown is funny.
11. ready Are you ready to go?
12. heavy This box is very heavy.
13. honey Honey comes from bees.
14. really Do you really think it's true?
15. money How much money is it?

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