Spelling List 2-3

2-3 Spelling Tip

Long a.
The long a sound can also be ay and ai.
The ay sound is in say, play, and tray.
The ai sound is in wait, train, and rain.


Words Sentences
1. tray He will carry the tray to me.
2. play The play was very long.
3. quail A quail is a type of bird.
4. main What is the main idea of the story?
5. pair Two of something is a pair.
6. pail Carry the water in a pail.
7. said She said the story was funny.
8. wait We had to wait outside.
9. always Always say thank you.
10. today Today is my birthday.
11. stairs She has to climb the stairs.
12. refrain Sing another refrain to the song
13. contain The pop does contain sugar.
14. air We like to breathe fresh air.
15. stain She has a stain on her gloves.