
2-28 Spelling List

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Spelling List 2-28

2-28 Spelling Tip

Plural endings.
You add s, es, to some words to name more than one.
You add s to the words eggs and pears to make more than one.
You add es to boxes and dishes to name more than one.
Sometimes you change the y to i and then add es.
You change the y to i and then add es in the words cherries and berries.


Words Sentences
1. eggs Twelve eggs make a dozen.
2. pears The pears are yellow.
3. girls The boys and girls are helping.
4. ears You hear with your ears.
5. tigers Tigers have black stripes.
6. dishes The dishes need to be washed.
7. wishes You can make three wishes.
8. fishes The fishes swam up the river.
9. witches I saw witches on Halloween.
10. cherries Fill the pail with red cherries.
11. skies The skies are blue and white.
12. berries Berries are sweet to eat.
13. dries The sun dries the sand.
14. cries The baby cries all night.
15. flies The plane flies high.

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