Spelling List 2-19

1-19 Spelling Tip

The sh sound.
The sign for the  sh sound is /sh/.
The sh sound is in wish, finish, and wash.


Words Sentences
1. wish Make a birthday wish!
2. finish He will finish just on time.
3. wash Wash your hands with soap.
4. shop Let's go to the ice cream shop.
5. she She is my mother.
6. flash The flash of light was bright.
7. show Let's show this to her.
8. shoot Shoot the basketball.
9. shape Is that shape round?
10. shy My friend is very shy.
11. shut Shut the game off!
12. shoe Tie your shoe!  
13. shot That was a very good shot.
14. short You are very short.
15. shine The sun will shine today.