Spelling List 2-16

2-16 Spelling Tip

The k sound.
The sign for the k sound is /k/.
The k sound can be spelled c, k, and ck.
The k sound is in c in the words corn and clock.
The k sound is in k in the words kid and kite.
The k sound is in ck in the words black and clock.


Words Sentences
1. corn Do you like corn on the cob?
2. clock The clock says 12:00 a.m.
3. kid The little kid is very fast.
4. kitten The kitten is soft.
5. kitchen We eat in the kitchen.
6. cake My birthday cake is big!
7. pick Pick me up from school!
8. kite The kite flew high in the sky.
9. pack I have to pack a lunch today.
10. rock You can rock in that chair.
11. right You have the right idea.
12. quick It will be quick this way.
13. back Go back and do it again.
14. lick Lick the ice cream cone.
15. king The king and queen will come.