
2-14 Spelling List

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Spelling List 2-14

2-14 Spelling Tip

Long o.
The sign for long o is /LongO.gif (864 bytes)/.
The long o sound is in ow in the words low, slow, and snow.
The long o sound is in oa in the words road, soap, and boat.


Words Sentences
1. low The water is very low.
2. slow The truck went slow
3. bowl Wash the bowl in the sink. 
4. know Do you know the answer? 
5. below Look below it! 
6. lower The river is lower today. 
7. soap Wash your hands with soap
8. float Can you float and swim? 
9. road The road goes to the left. 
10. loan Will you loan me a pencil? 
11. grown My how you have grown
12. flown Have you flown in a plane? 
13. shown The movie was shown again. 
14. flow It will flow through the hole. 
15. blown The wind has blown it away.

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