stainless steel - an alloy of steel and chromium
that is highly resistant to stain, rust, and corrosion
pastry - sweet baked goods made of dough
firm - having a solid or compact texture
dough - a soft mass of moistened flour thick
enough to knead or roll
utensil - a device or container used in a
household and especially a kitchen
aluminum - a silver-white light element that
conducts electricity and heat well, is highly resistant to
oxidation, and is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust
overbrowning - a condition which occurs when
overcooking happens, the result is a product which is very dark
and almost burned
accurate - free from mistake
spatula - an instrument with a thin flexible
blade used especially for spreading or mixing soft substances or
rolling pin - a cylinder (as of wood) used to
roll out dough
compensate - to make up for
Mom told me to use a teaspoon to measure the
amount of salt.
I cut my finger on the sharp
in the sink.
My favorite kind of ice cream is chocolate chip
cookie .
I added enough flour to make the mixture .
The chef specializes in
which is sweet baked goods.
We bought mom a
for her
I opened the oven quickly because the cookies
The small
works well for removing the brownies from the pan.
Grandma makes soup in a large
The neighbor's are putting
siding on their new garage.
The money will help
for the loss of equipment.
Stainless steel is an alloy of steel and
chromium, or iron
Which of the following items is a kitchen
table, bowl, or oven
Which of the following is considered pastry?
doughnut, pasta, or vegetables
The texture of a firm product would be .
slippery, compact, or watery
Which of the following is made of dough?
cookies, money, or aluminum
A rolling pin is used to roll out which part of
a pie?
filling or crust
To compensate means to make up
for, with, or to
If something is accurate it is
wrong, perfect, or adequate
A spatula performs which of the following
mixing, cutting, or gluing
Aluminum conducts
heat, water, or wood
Which of the following could experience
trees, cookies, or soup
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