tradition - the handing down of customs, beliefs, etc. from
generation to generation
marionettes - jointed puppets or dolls moved by strings or wires
essential - absolutely necessary
puppeteer - an operator, designer, etc. of puppets
1. The artist was sculpting several small
from clay.
2. The cartoonist was creating an
cartoon for television.
3. The person who controls the puppet is called the .
4. Water is for
the human body to survive.
are a type
of puppet which are actually dolls.
6. Giving gifts at Christmas is a
passed down from generation to generation.
7. Which of the following is a marionette?
glove, doll, or shadow
8. If the teacher said it is essential, she means it is:
necessary, helpful, or unnecessary
9. A figurine is usually sculpted or:
baked, molded, or burned
10. Which of the following is considered to be tradition?
customs, costumes, or language
11. A puppeteer is considered which of the following?
director, operator, or agent
12. If something is animated it has:
motion, nothing, or windows
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