
5-15  Facsimile and Electronic Mail

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 Facsimile and Electronic Mail

   Facsimile (known as fax) and electronic mail (known as e-mail) are ways to send documents without using the conventional mailing system.  These two means of communication have become very popular.  The reason for this popularity is the speed.  Both are much faster than ordinary mail.  Telephone lines are used to transmit information by the use of a modem (short for modulator-demodulator).  The modem converts digital information from a computer or a fax machine into a sound signal that is sent along a telephone line.  A modem at the other end of the line changes this signal back to the original format.

  A fax machine can send any document, whether it contains pictures or words.  The document is placed in the machine.  It is then pulled over a strip of bright light where a scanner measures the reflectivity of the paper.  The white areas reflect the light much more than areas with writing or drawing on them.  The information is recorded in a sequence of numbers.  This information is then sent along a telephone line to the receiving fax machine, where it is used to make a copy of the original page.

  E-mail allows people to communicate through the computer.  A computer uses a modem linked into the telephone system.  Information can be sent and shown on the receiver's computer screen at once.  If the computer is turned off, the message can be stored in the computer memory bank for later retrieval.


Answer the questions below


1. According to this passage fax and e-mail have become popular ways to communicate because

it is cheap.

it is very fast.

it is easy to do.


2. lines are used to transmit information by use of a modem.


3. The in a fax machine measures the reflectivity of the paper.


4. If the computer is turned off, an e-mail message is stored in the computer memory for later retrieval. 


5. A modem converts digital information from a computer or a fax machine into a 

sound signal that is sent along a telephone line.

a telephone system.

a sequence of numbers.


6. A fax and an e-mail are two popular means of .

7. The word fax stands for


fast communication.

8. E-mail allows people to communicate through the

postal system.

fax machine.

9. A fax machine sends pictures or words as information recorded in a sequence of .



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