
4-8-1 Vocabulary

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Vocabulary 4-8-1

observation - something seen or noted
veterinarian - doctor or surgeon who treats animals
occasionally - now and then; once in a while
poultry - birds such as chickens, turkey, geese, ducks, etc.
research - a careful hunting for facts or truth; investigation
household - belonging to a household



The farmer got eggs from the .
I visit my grandmother during the year.
We took the injured animal to the .
The cleaning lady used products.
The doctor became famous for his on cancer.
We visit the elderly in the nursing home.



The small animal veterinarian will examine what type of animals?

cats, bears, or cows

Which of the following is considered poultry?

goats, horses, or ducks

If something is done occasionally, how often is is done?

constantly, never, or sometimes


Which of the following is a household item?

truck, car, or VCR


Research done by police would help solve the mystery.  Research would include further:

investigation, killings, or walking


Through observation his mother found the sliver in his finger.  His mother observed using her:

ears, eyes, or voice



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