
4-6 To the Rescue

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To the Rescue

  Sometimes nature needs a helping hand.  In this case it was an American Robin.  Early one warm Spring morning I noticed a nest had fallen from a low pine limb.  Inside were young robins.  I soon realized the original nest was beyond repair, so I carefully picked up the pieces.  I rushed inside and found a discarded plastic whipped cream tub.  Carefully I put the pieces of the nest inside, and gently placed the four babies back into the nest.

  I was able to determine where the nest originally sat in the tree, and now wondered how I would attach it.  Searching in the garage and basement I found a staple gun and duct tape.  With assistance from my neighbor we carefully attached the nest to the low pine limb.

  Within 15 minutes the mother robin was back feeding the four babies.  I watched them daily until they flew off on their own.  Sometimes nature needs a helping hand, and I was glad to offer my assistance!


Answer the questions below.


This passage is about assisting .


The bird nest was in a tree.


This incident occurred during which season of the year?


The birds and were placed inside the plastic tub.


The nest was attached to the limb using a and duct tape. 


The supplies were found in the and basement.


There were young birds in the nest.

To assist means to .
The helped attach the nest.



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