limestone - rock made mostly of calcium carbonate, used for
building and for making lime
plates - giant pieces of the earth's crust
formation - the forming, making, or shaping (of something)
periodically - every now and then
sandstone - kind of rock formed mostly of sand and used in
platinum - a precious metal; very heavy and silver-white in
was ground into lime and spread on the garden.
The two
of the earth's crust crashed together.
The men were putting
on the front of the house.
of a new neighborhood park was about to begin.
We don't meet every day for lunch, we meet .
The wedding ring was made of .
Sandstone is mostly:
rock, sand, or lime
The platinum ring was very:
heavy, light, or gold
The plates of the earth's crust are very:
large, small, or sandy
If you check the clock periodically, you look at it:
constantly, never, or sometimes
Limestone is used for:
building, pools, or gardens
The formation of the statue was taking form. The statue
was taking:
shape, paint, clay
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