paleontologist - an expert in the field of paleontology, the
study of fossil animals and plants
sedimentary - rock made up of mud, sand, and
decayed bits of plants and animals that settle to the bottom of
oceans or lakes.
prehistoric - of or belonging to times before histories were
impatient - not patient; uneasy and eager
presentation - an offering to be seen; showing; exhibition
surrounded - shut in on all sides; be around
Luke saw many different layers in the
rock he found.
The teacher was sitting in a circle
by her students.
The bone was perfect because it was
in the stone.
was a
guest speaker at the library today.
Mom said I was very restless and .
The dinosaur is a
Mom preserved the food by putting it in the refrigerator to
protect it from:
spoiling, falling, or cooling
An impatient child is:
lazy, eager, or late
If Santa was surrounded by children, he was in the:
line, middle, or forest
Which of the following is prehistoric?
buffalo, brontosaurus, or bison
He wants to study paleontology so he can become a:
chemist, botanist, or paleontologist
The library had a presentation on authors and their
books. The books were on:
exhibition, sale, or review
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