inhabitants - people or animals that live in a place
longhouses - permanent log-covered buildings used by certain
North American Indians
maize - corn
thatch - straw, rushes, palm leaves, etc., used as a roof
or covering
weir - a woven fence used by certain North American Indians to
trap fish
wigwam - hut made of bark, mats, or skins lain over dome-shaped
poles, used by certain North American Indians
The young boys caught fish in the .
Squash, beans, and
were important crops to the Indians.
The roof of the hut was made of ,
not shingles.
The first
our country were the Indians.
The log-covered
were warm and dry.
The baby was born in the dome-shaped hut called a .
Another name for maize is:
acorn, squash, or corn
A thatch roof is made of:
straw, wood, or bark
The inhabitants of a barn could be:
cows, fish, or camels
A wigwam is held up by which of the following?
bricks, poles, or pipes
Longhouses were homes used by whom?
Indians, Frenchmen, or Africans
The young Indian boy used a weir to catch:
buffalo, fish, or both
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