
4-15-1 Vocabulary

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Vocabulary 4-15-1

seams - layers in the rock strata
enormously - extremely
properties - qualities or power
industrial - connected with industry
varies - changing
production - manufacturing



The depth of the water from very shallow to very deep. 
He works at a plant located in the part of the city.
The company specializes in the of cookies.
Coal is found in deep beneath the surface of the Earth.
The sun has many valuable for which it can be used.
The mountain is tall! 




If the horse ate enormously, it ate very:

little or much

The dog's barking varies from day to day.  Therefore it:

changes, softens, or quits

If water has many properties, it has many:

colors, tastes, or qualities


He works in an industrial job, therefore the work he does is connected to:

industry, school, or earth 


Coal is found in seams.  Seams are:

levels, layers, or rivers


The production of candy bars is done at the candy factory.  Therefore the factory is in the business of:  selling, buying, or manufacturing



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