
3-3 From Another Planet

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From Another Planet

  Aliens came to visit me.  Their rocket landed in my backyard one cold day.  The door on the large rocket opened slowly and out came little purple people.  They took off their helmets and looked at me and smiled.  They were very friendly.

  I invited them in the house to meet my family.  Mom gave them cookies to eat and juice to drink.  My little sister, Sara, played a game with them.  My big brother, Kyle, watched a video with them.

  Suddenly my dog started barking and chasing the aliens.  They tried to hide from the barking because they were scared.  They ran under the table, but my dog found them.  They jumped up on the bookshelf, but my dog found them.  They raced out the door and up into a tree.  I followed closely behind and stood under the tree while my dog barked.

  It was getting very dark out.  I took my dog inside and we went to bed.  As I crawled into bed, I looked out the window.  In the distance I could see the lights of the rocket.  I fell asleep, thinking about the day the aliens came to visit me.


Answer the questions below.


The aliens wore on their heads.

Mom gave them to eat and to drink.
, my little sister, played a game with them.
The landed in the backyard.
The aliens up on the bookshelf.
They raced out the and up a .
The color of the aliens was not green but  .
The lights of the could be seen in the dark sky.



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