

  Bill, a ten-year-old boy, has big plans.  When he grows up he wants to create a marine park filled with his favorite fish - sharks.  Bill knows everything there is to know about sharks.  He's been fascinated with them since he was a very young boy.   At the age of five, Bill knew there were more than 250 different kinds of sharks.

  As soon as Bill began to read, he started collecting books about sharks.  His favorite book is about the giant sharks, the whale shark, sometimes 45 feet long, and the giant basking shark that is nearly that long.  Even though these sharks are giants, they eat only tiny sea animals.

  When Bill was nine years old, he went skin diving with his dad.   Bill knew that the 18-foot mackerel shark and the hammerhead shark they saw would not harm them.  Many shark stories are exaggerated stories.

  Bill wants to include as many sharks in his marine park as possible.  In addition to the many kinds of large sharks, he also wants to include many of the small ones as well.  Some of Bill's favorite kinds of small sharks include the dogfishes and the spiny dogfishes.


Answer the questions below.


According to this passage, there are more than

50 different kinds of sharks. 

150 different kinds of sharks.

250 different kinds of sharks. 


Giant sharks include the

whale shark and the basking shark.  

mackerel shark and the hammerhead shark.

dogfish and spiny dogfish. 


The whale shark can be feet long.


Giant sharks eat only sea animals.


While scuba diving, Bill saw a mackerel shark and a shark.


Small sharks include the dogfishes and the dogfishes.

At what age did Bill go skin diving with his dad?



Bill knows that many shark stories are

exaggerated stories.

real stories.

Bill's dream is to create a park filled with sharks.



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