
3-2 A Dream Come True

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A Dream Come True

  This is a true story of how my dream came true.  My name is Chris.  Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of climbing a mountain.  I'd read many books and watched many movies about mountain climbing.  When I'd write a story in school, it was always about making my dream come true.

  While I was in high school, I took a gym class in which we learned all about climbing.  We practiced climbing on a wall in the school gym.  We also took a trip to a park where we climbed on steep rocks.

  Finally my dream was to come true.  I planned a trip to a very famous mountain in Washington.  Along with a group of other people we climbed the mountain.  We even camped on the mountain for five days.

  Guess what?  My dream continues.  Now I want to climb more mountains!


Answer "Yes" or "No"


This is a true story.

 Chris was a boy who dreamed about climbing a mountain.
Chris learned to climb when she was seven years old.
Chris was always worried about getting hurt.
A trip to New York was planned.
Chris climbed a mountain with a group of other people. 
People can climb mountains and also camp on them.
Now Chris wants to climb more mountains.



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