
3-18 The Bicycle

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The Bicycle

  The bicycle, or bike, needs no fuel to run, is easy to ride, and does not need a lot of care to keep it running.

  The bike has been around for about 100 years.  It has a diamond- shaped frame and two wheels of equal size.  The rear wheel through a chain drives it.  To make it easier to climb hills, many bikes have gears.

  The first bike was built in 1818.  The front wheel was used for steering.  It moved by pushing on the ground with the feet.  In the late 1830s, a man built a bicycle called a velocipede which was moved along by pedals and cranks.  In 1870, the first ordinary bicycle was built.  It had a huge front wheel.  In the year 1886, the diamond-shaped frame, chain drive, and wheels of equal size bike was developed.


Answer the questions below.


This passage is about:

bicycles and tricycles. 

bikes of long ago and today.

speed bikes. 


A bicycle frame is in the shape of a





Bicycles have been around for about years.


Another name for a bicycle is a .


The first bike was built in the year .


In 1870, a bicycle was built with a huge wheel.


To make it easier to climb hills, bikes have .

All bicycles have

two wheels. 

three wheels.

one or two wheels. 



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