
3-15 Leak or Leek?

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Leak or Leek?

  I'm having an argument with my brother.  He thinks he knows everything in the whole world.  His name is Seth by the way.  My name is Sidney.  I told him I was going to help mom make leek soup for supper and he thought I was kidding.

"You can't make leak soup. There is no such thing," he quickly spouted off.

  I went on to try to explain to him that indeed I was going to make leek soup.

"A leak is something in a garden hose, a water pipe, or even in a basketball," Seth explained to me.

"Let me explain something to you," I piped up.  "You're confusing one leak with another."  I went on to explain homophones to Seth.  Homophones are words with the same pronunciation but with different meanings and usually different spellings.

"So tell me all about leeks, and how you make leek soup," he inquired of me.

  Seth followed me into the kitchen.  He watched mom and I wash the green tops and firm white bulbs of the vegetable.  We cut off the fresh green tops and chopped the bulbs into small pieces.  Leeks are delicious baked, broiled, or sliced raw into a salad.  Today mom and I put them into a big pot with garlic, butter, chicken broth, milk, and chives.  We're making leek soup, and maybe I'll even share some with my know-it-all brother, Seth.


Answer the questions below.


is Sidney's brother.


A can be grown in the garden.


A can be in a garden hose.


A leek is a green and white .


Since a leek is a bulb it grows under the .


Homophones are words that are pronounced the same, but have different and usually different spellings.


Leeks have tops.

Mom and are making leek soup.
Leeks can be baked, broiled, or eaten .
Seth said that an air leak might occur in a .



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