Did you know our sun is a star? It
is a star just like the other stars we see in the night sky.
The sun looks much bigger than the other stars we see only because
it is the closest one to us. The sun is huge compared to the
Earth, but it's really quite small as far as stars go. The sun is made
up of gases. One gas is hydrogen and the other is helium. The
hydrogen changes into helium that provides energy. This
energy gives heat and light to the Earth. It is very
hot! The temperature can reach 27 million degrees
Fahrenheit. The sun was born about 4.5 billion years ago.
Scientists believe it will live about 5 billion more years.
Answer the questions below.
Our sun is a .
Our sun is the
star to Earth.
As far as the size of stars goes, the sun is quite
The sun is made up of
kinds of gases.
These gases provide
and light to the Earth.
The temperature of the
can reach 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.
The gas
changes to helium.
The sun was
4.5 billion years ago.
It is expected to live
more years.
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