
3-11 The Day the Moose Arrived

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The Day the Moose Arrived

  The Allenville Zoo was expecting a delivery any day.  They were awaiting the arrival of a moose for the new display.  This new display had everything needed for a moose to live.  How will they send a moose they wondered?  A moose will not fit in a bag or in a box.  It could come in a big wood crate locked with two locks.

  Days and days went by.  Still no moose.  The zookeepers were getting worried.  They called the delivery service to find out what the problem was.  They said, "Don't worry. The moose will arrive shortly."

  Early the following day, the zookeepers were surprised!  There was the delivery they had been waiting for.  A moose on roller skates was waiting in the parking lot of the zoo.  They whistled for the moose and it began to roller skate right toward them.  They opened the gate to the new display and the moose roller-skated right into its new home.

  "Now how do we get roller skates off of a moose," the zoo keepers wondered?


Answer the questions below.


Days and days went by as zookeepers awaited the arrival of a .


Zookeepers thought it might arrive in a big, wood locked with two .

The service was called to find out what the problem was.


The day the moose arrived it was waiting in the lot.


The zoo had a new moose complete with everything a moose needed to live.


The zookeepers and the moose followed them.


They had to open the so the moose could roller skate into its new home.


The delivery service said the moose would arrive .

The moose arrived at the Zoo parking lot.
Zookeepers knew a moose would not fit in a bag or a .



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