
3-10 Elephant Facts

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Elephant Facts

  An African elephant is the largest land animal on Earth.  A male elephant, called a bull, is 12 feet tall.  It weighs about 14,000 pounds.

  The trunk of an elephant has over 50,000 muscles at the end.  The muscles are like fingers.  An elephant can lift up to 600 pounds with its trunk.  The trunk is also used to suck up water.

  The skin of an elephant is an inch thick in some places and very thin in others.

  Elephant tusks are made of ivory.  They can grow over 10 feet long.  An elephant also grows six sets of back teeth.  These teeth wear out from chewing on tough plants.

  An elephant hears very well.  It uses its large ears to fan itself to keep cool.

  A baby African elephant is about 3 feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds when it is born.


Answer the questions below.


A male elephant is called a .


An African elephant is about feet tall.


A baby African elephant is about feet tall.


An elephant cools itself by flapping its .


Elephant tusks are made of .


A baby African elephant weighs pounds when it is born.


An elephant has six sets of back .

Elephant tusks grow to be over feet long.
An African elephant is the largest animal on Earth.
An elephant chews on very tough , which wears its teeth out.



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