
2-8 Shopping at the Mall

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Shopping at the Mall

  Lucy, Beth, and David wanted to go shopping.  They wanted to go to the mall.  They said, "Dad, will you bring us shopping?"

  Dad said, "We can go for one hour."

  They got into the car and in a very short time they were there.  First, they went to the toy store.  David saw a game he wanted.  Dad bought it for him.  Lucy and Beth also found things to look at but nothing to buy.

  Next, they all went to the bookstore.  They had a great time looking at all of the books.  Lucy found just the book she was looking for and Beth did too.  Dad bought Hermit Crab Finds a Home for Lucy and Little House in the Big Woods for Beth.

  "Now it's time to go," Dad said.


Answer "Yes" or "No"


Lucy, Beth, and David rode their bikes to the mall.

 They stopped to eat on the way to the mall.
Dad bought each of them something.
The first store they went to was a toy store.
David found a book for his dad.
The girls had fun at the bookstore. 
Beth got the book Hermit Crab Finds a Home.
They stayed at the mall all day.



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