
2-7 Seasons of the Year

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Seasons of the Year

  Spring is the time of the year when new life begins.  Spring rains come.  Trees begin to bud.  Flowers begin to push up from the ground.  People plant flower and vegetable gardens.  Everywhere you look there are new baby birds, baby squirrels, baby ducks, baby everything!

  Summer is the time of the year when it is hot.  The Fourth of July is a very special summer day with fireworks and picnics.  Families go camping and swimming.

  Winter is the time of the year when the weather turns colder.  In some places, it gets very cold and snows.  There are many things to do in the cold and snow.  People ski, ice skate, go sledding, and build snowmen.

  Fall is the time of the year when the leaves on the trees begin to change colors.  It is a time when many plants, trees, and animals rest.  Fall is also the time of year when children return to school.


Answer the questions below.


Are there three or four seasons in a year?

During what season of the year can you rake leaves?
In what season do people plant flower and vegetable gardens?
The Fourth of July is during what season of the year?
is the season when leaves begin to change colors.
is the season when it snows. 
Families most often camp and swim in the .
In what season do children return to school?



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