
Guinea Pigs

  Guinea pigs make good pets.  There are about twenty different kinds.  Some have short hair and some have long hair.  They weigh about one pound and are about ten to fourteen inches long.  They live to be about four or five years old, but some can live to be eight years old.

  Baby guinea pigs weigh about three ounces when they are born.  They are called piglets. They drink milk from their mother and can eat grass right away because they are born with teeth.

  Guinea pigs are not really pigs.  They are rodents.


Answer the questions below.


Guinea pigs are born with .

A guinea pig weighs about pound. 
There are about twenty different of guinea pigs.
A guinea pig is not a pig, it is a .
A baby guinea pig weighs about ounces when it is born.
Baby guinea pigs are called
Guinea pigs are ten to fourteen inches .
Guinea pigs can have long or short .



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