
2-4 Thomas Edison

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Thomas Edison

  Thomas Edison was a very special person.  He invented many things.

  As a child, he was always asking questions.  Thomas had hearing problems, but that did not stop him from trying anything.  He was always building things.

  As Thomas grew older his hearing got worse.  He still did not stop asking questions and inventing things.  He invented a talking machine that was called the phonograph and played records.  Today we play tapes and CDs instead of records.

  Thomas also invented the light bulb and a machine that showed movies.  He made more than 1,000 inventions in all.


Answer the questions below.


Thomas Edison could not well as a child.

He was always asking
Thomas invented a that showed movies.
Thomas Edison made over inventions in his life.
The bulb was invented by Thomas Edison .
Another name for a talking machine is a
Today we play CDs and instead of records .
A phonograph, or talking machine, plays .



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