

  Did you ever wonder how McDonald's began?

  A  man named Ray Kroc is the reason.  He had invented a machine that could mix six milkshakes all at one time!  One day he went to visit a hamburger drive-in that had bought eight of his machines.  He was surprised how many people visited this little business.  The year was 1954, and Ray Kroc could not believe people would stand in line to get a hamburger in a paper bag for 15 cents, or French fries for a dime.

  Ray talked to Dick and Maurice McDonald the owners of the drive-in.  He decided to buy the drive-in from them and build many more just like them.

  There are over 6,700 McDonald's today!


Answer the questions below.


In the year 1954, a hamburger cost

15 cents.

50 cents. 

25 cents.


Ray Kroc had invented a machine that could mix milkshakes at one time.


Dick and Maurice McDonald were the of a small drive-in.


In the year 1954, French fries cost a .


Ray Kroc could not believe
people would buy six milkshakes.

people would stand in line to buy a hamburger and fries.

people would pay 15 cents for a hamburger.

Ray Kroc bought the drive-in from 
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald.

Ronald McDonald.

Dick and Maurice McDonald .

Today, there are more than how many McDonald's restaurants?





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